Ukraine Torch | Trip 12 Update (February ’24)
This was our 12th trip bringing supplies and equipment to keep Ukraine in the fight. We met with a number of territorial defense units, delivered provisions out to the East, and visited with medics at stabilization points to gather requirements and drive future innovation + investments. We also met with a number of units at the tip of the spear to gather some of their urgent equipment needs. We can help them acquire this non-lethal gear and link it up with those traveling over to Ukraine soon!
The equipment breakdown for this trip included medical supplies, mine removal/clearance, power generation, cold weather clothing, ISR, field fortifications/field hygiene, and force protection.
Another unique opportunity which arose was a meeting with an investor group from a partnered nation who were looking to meet with innovators working in Ukraine. We shared with them some of the work of Ukraine Torch and made arrangements to partner on upcoming trips to develop new life-saving medical approaches/techniques. As an organization with years of experience working in Ukraine, we were able to provide some shortcuts to get quickly into the requirements gathering phase as well as share existing relationships with units that can adopt and test real-world solutions!
If you would like to support our next mission in late-April, you can donate here.
If you would like to volunteer, please visit our page. Thanks for your support!